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MVHS Seniors Honored for Achievements

MVHS Seniors Honored for Achievements

Many students from the senior class of 2024 were recognized for their outstanding achievements at Senior Honor Night, which was sponsored by the Mt. Vernon Education Foundation. 

As the students entered the stage, their names were announced with the college/university they plan to attend or their intended field of work. The ceremony began with opening remarks from Mt. Vernon High School Principal Brooke Tharp and the Student Government President, Michael Shearer, followed by the presentation of awards/scholarships.

The total amount of scholarship money awarded to the Class of 2024 was an incredible $8,381,630. The following is a compilation of the awards distributed on Senior Honor Night and the students who received them:


Department Awards

Agriculture - Jackson Dowden

Band - Katelyn Deuser

Business - Brady Fitzgerald

Choir - Dezi Lehr

Engineering and Technology - Samuel Bridenthal

English/ Language - Hannah Elstro

FACS - Lily Sexton

Health/Phys. Ed. - Tyler Etherington

Mathematics - Seth Woolston

Science - Seth Woolston


Social Studies - Lillian Ray

Visual Arts - Penelope Dearth

World Language – Reagan Rosner


Service and Citizenship Recognition

Terry/Borgman Mental Attitude Award: Emma Gasiorek

Army National Guard Scholar Athletes: Katelynn Hawkins, Colin Strachman

Character Award: Misha Patel, Michael Shearer

Gary Leward Award: Jackson Dayhoff

Mt. Vernon AP Scholars with Honor: Penelope Dearth, Misha Patel, Seth Woolston, Chloe Wright


Mt. Vernon AP Scholars with Distinction: Cameron Sullivan

Service and Citizenship Merit Awards: Rebecca Anderson, Berenice Bulgado-Trujillo, Austin Crockett, Rachel Fentz, Lillian Ferguson, Jamyah Gillard, Garrett Glassing, Myranda Groce, Katelynn Hawkins, Jazmin Henderson, Tyler Hexamer, Phoenix Hull, Mattie Isger, Wilbert Jones, Savannah Jouppi, Adam Koon, Isabelle Lacy, Dezi Lehr, Lydia Lewis, Ava Lusby, Tyler Nichols, Isaiah Njau, Dawson Perry, Kylie Quispe, Lillian Ray, Aya Renforth, Aiden Roundtree, Dakota Sandstrom, Kyla Selbe, Luke Shelton, Natalie Sparks, Anna Stanfield, Aubrey Trittipo, Jacen Troxwell, Kalin Wallpe, Emily Westfall, Lillian Wong. 

National Honor Society Officers: Mya Adams (Secretary), Annelise Hiner (Vice President), Sophie Maxwell (President), Misha Patel (Treasurer), Lillian Wong (Historian)

Student Government Officer: Mya Adams (Executive President), Rachel Fentz (Executive Historian), Sophie Maxwell (Executive Vice President)

Senior Class Officers & Representatives: Katie Bowsher (Secretary), Phoenix Hull (Representative), Ava Lusby (Representative), Isaiah Njau (Treasurer), Misha Patel (Vice President), Callie Runyan (Representative), Micheal Shearer (President


Community Scholarship Recognition

Ernie Oden Athletic Scholarship: Adam Koon, Andres Langston, Lily Muhlenkamp, Cameron Sullivan, Easton Wampler 


Certificate of Multilingual Proficiency: Samanthathleta Mabura

Hancock County Art Educators Award: Karmen Kalal

Chris Sullivan Memorial Music Boosters Scholarships: Daniel Barnes, Katelyn Deuser

Mark Mattick Mental Attitude Award: Natalie Sparks

Jack Roysdon Good Neighbor Service Award: Olivia Hayden

Kristofor J. Hammond Scholarship: Emma Gasiorek

Bruce A. McKinney Memorial Scholarship: Lily Harney

Mike Johnson Memorial Scholarship: Easton Wampler

Phyllis Wright Scholarship: Emily Xiao

William W. Weil Good Citizen Scholarship: Rachel Fentz, Sophie Maxwell 
Mental Attitude Athletic Scholarship in Honor of Robery Doddridge and Coaches Jimmie Howell and Randy Wilson: Colin Strachman


Walter P. and Virginia Worland Scholarship: Matthew Quispe-Stephens 

The Steve Williams Soccer Scholarship: Elise Gawrys, Xander Sokol

Hancock County Business & Professional Women: Maya McNeely 

Custom Exteriors Scholarship: Addison Lockwood

Brewer-Culley VFW Post 2693 Scholarship: Emma Rappe

The Riley Charles Settergren Scholarship: Annelise Hiner, Callie Runyan

McCordsville Police Department Scholarship: Savannah Jouppi

Alpha Phi Chapter of Psi lota Xi Sorority Scholarship (Art): Karmen Kalal

Alpha Phi Chapter of Psi lota Xi Sorority Scholarship (Literature): Rachel Fentz 


Alpha Phi Chapter of Psi lota Xi Sorority Scholarship (Music): Katie Bowsher

Tayler Helgason Nursing Memorial Scholarship: Chloe Albright 

Roger’s Smile Scholarship: Asia King

Jack and Bev Falkenberg Memorial Scholarship: Emily Xiao

James Whitcomb Riley Festival Scholarship: Misha Patel

Richard and Judith White Memorial Scholarship: Chloe Albright, Adam Koon

Lee and Bessie S. Blazer Memorial Scholarship: Daniel Barnes

Judy D. Smith Memorial Scholarship: Tyler Hexamer


Lilly Community Scholarship: Misha Patel

Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship: Mya Adams

Tri Kappa Scholarship: Rachel Fentz, Annelise Hiner

Edith Zike Nursing Scholarship: Chloe Albright

Rabe-Vermillion Scholarship: Rachel Fentz, Emme Grubbs, Samantha Mabura, Emma Rappe, John Wilson

Gladys Hancock Shumway Scholarship: Tatum Mastin

The Mt. Vernon Optimist Scholarship: Elise Gawrys, Xander Jones, Madelyn Meyer


Rotary Club of Greenfield Education Scholarship: Kalin Walpe

NineStar Connect Scholarship: Brooklyn Jacobson, Addison Lockwood

Earl J. Brooks & Irene B. Brooks Scholarship: Chloe Albright, Rachel Fentz, Emma Gasiorek, Misha Patel

Nancy Terrell Miller Scholarship: Kalin Wallpe

Margaret Johnson Honorary Scholarship: Rachel Fentz

George & Icy Vaughn Performing Arts Scholarship (Instrumental): Daniel Barnes

Academic Top 15 from the Class of 2024

Academic Top 15 from the Class of 2024

George & Icy Vaughn Performing Arts Scholarship (Vocal): Callie Runyan

Richard H. Crosser Memorial Scholarship: Rachel Fentz

Donna Duzan Nursing Scholarship: Emma Rappe

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6904 Scholarship: Misha Patel 

Nucor Foundation Scholarship: Dawson Perry


Recognition of Academic Achievement 

Top Scholars: Dylan Anderson, Daniel Barnes, Kirsten Beaty, Adam Benz, Penelope Dearth, Emma Gasiorek, Elise Gawrys, Annelise Hiner, Jebediah Lottes, Sophie Maxwell, Misha Patel, Cameron Sullivan, Kalin Wallpe, Lily Wong, Seth Woolston. 

Senior Leadership Award: Mya Adams, Rachel Fentz
