Ambassadors meetings will be held on a Tuesday morning each month from 7:50 - 9:30 a.m., August - April, however, there will be no meeting in December.
The meeting locations rotate to different areas in the district. Several are held at the administration building due to the available large space.
If there is a 2-hour delay, the meeting will be pushed back to the following Tuesday of the month.
August 27 - 7:50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on August 29 from 7:50-9:30 a.m.
“Welcome, Meet the School Board, Learn Operations & Transportation” - Meet at MVCSC Administrative Service Center, (1806 W. State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040).
Welcome by School Board Members & Dr. Parker
Introduction of Cohort
District Overview
School Safety & Security
September 10 - 7:50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on September 17 from 7:50-9:30 a.m.
“Explore Your Passions & Find Your Future at the High School” - Enter Mt. Vernon High School (8112 N. 200 West, Fortville, IN 46040) through Door #1
Counseling Department
Graduation Pathways & Career Readiness
Student Tours of MVHS
Student Performance
October 8 - 7: 50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on October 22 from 7:50-9:30 a.m.
“Education Today: Teaching & Learning in the Elementary School” at Mt. Comfort Elementary School (5694 W. 300 N., Greenfield, IN 46140).
Student Performance
Student Tours
November 5 - 7:50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on November 19 from 7:50-9:30 a.m.
“A Strong Foundation of the Basics: Education is a People Business” - Meet at MVCSC Administrative Service Center (1806 W. State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040).
Food Service
Health Service
Human Resources
Community Relations
January 14 - 7:50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on January 21 from 7:50-9:30 a.m.
“Business of Mt. Vernon” - Meet at the MVCSC Administrative Service Center (1806 W. State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040). The meeting is upstairs in the Alumni Room.
Finance, Budget & Taxes
Breaking Down the Complexity of School Funds
Tour Admin & the Mini-Marauder Preschool
February 11 - 7:50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on February 25 from 7:50-9:45 a.m.
“Experience our Schools” - Meet at MVCSC Administrative Service Center (1806 W. State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040).
High Ability
Special Education
English New Language
Mt. Vernon Education Foundation
March 4 - 7:50-9:30 a.m.
If two-hour delay, the meeting will then be held on March 11 from 7:50-9:30 a.m.
“Education Today: Teaching & Learning in Middle School” - Meet at Mt. Vernon Middle School (1862 IN-234, Fortville, IN 46040)
Student Tours
Student Performances
Student Panel
April 8 - 7:50-9:30 a.m. - for Graduates Only (those who miss no more than one meeting)
“Graduation! Now What…” - Meet at MVCSC Administrative Service Center (1806 W. State Road 234, Fortville, IN 46040).
Future of MV
Student Celebrations
School Board
Feedback from Ambassadors
How to get involved
Graduation as an MV Ambassador!