Appeals Process
Appeals Process
Individuals wishing to appeal the final identification status of their child must do so in writing. The written appeal is presented to the building High Ability Coordinator or the building principal. The building principal, after reviewing the appeal, will forward it to the MVCSC Director of High Ability Programming who will convene a meeting of the Selection Committee. Team members may include: school principal, high ability teacher, MVCSC Director of High Ability, and the school counselor.
The following criteria will be addressed by the committee in the determination of program placement in the appeals process:
- The parent or teacher submitting the appeal may present materials or evidence of significant achievement on the part of the child.
- Parents can present testing data from an outside evaluator which supports placement in the program.
- MVCSC has the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT) to use in the appeals process. This is a standardized, multiple choice test that measures a child’s reasoning skills against other children of the same age.